Be smart at working hard.
Think smarter to build a tomorrow
that’s bigger and better than you’ve
ever imagined before.
17 Navy SEAL Maxims to Elevate Critical Thinking and Prosper
in Business and Life
From US Navy SEAL Commander (Ret.) David Sears comes Smarter Not Harder, the ultimate guide to reframing thinking, navigating complexity, and excelling in all facets of life, informed by seventeen tried and true Navy SEAL maxims.
Using his twenty-plus years of tactical, operational, and strategic knowledge as a leader in the SEAL Teams, David Sears pulls from his vast experience to draw fresh insights on some familiar—and not so familiar—sayings that will have you thinking differently, delving deeper, and approaching life with a refreshed perspective.
Translated from the elite world of SEAL Teams to be applicable on a day-to-day basis to those from all walks of life, the lessons in Smarter Not Harder focus on taking action, teamwork, training, mental attitude, and reflective thinking. Though each maxim stands on its own, together they form an accessible, powerful guide to shifting your mindset, recharging your routine, and energizing your life, today.
Detailing Sears’s incredible experiences on the frontlines, these behind-the-scenes stories illustrate each maxim, taking you from the mountains of Afghanistan to the jungles of South America and the deserts of Iraq to the beaches of Coronado. Compelling and transformative, Smarter Not Harder empowers you to depart the status quo and thrive in today’s complex and rapidly changing world.

Commander Dave Sears, USN (Ret.) served 20 years of active military duty within the United States Special Operations Command as a U.S. Navy SEAL officer. Commander Sears served on multiple east coast SEAL Teams, Naval Special Warfare Development Group, Joint Commands, and Headquarters USSOCOM. Dave has participated in a number of conflicts and contingency operations in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. He is a graduate of Boston University and the Naval Post Graduate School with an MS in Defense Analysis. He currently works as Keynote Speaker, Managing Partner at Xundis Global, Senior Consultant and Advisor to multiple clients in the Defense and Technology space, an Adjunct to the Joint Special Operations University, and is a regular guest commentator on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, and CBSN.

In 15 years as a Meeting Planner, Dave Sears delivered perhaps the most powerful message our group has ever heard.